
with Dr. Thomassen

What is a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery or a “nose job,” improves the appearance of your nose. It can also improve the function in cases where chronic nasal obstruction is an issue. Dr. John Michael Thomassen is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in Rhinoplasty in Fort Lauderdale.  He has achieved an excellent reputation as a rhinoplasty surgeon.  Dr. Thomassen addresses cosmetic as well as functional improvement to avoid the need of multiple separate procedures. In addition, he has ample experience in complex cases including secondary and tertiary rhinoplasty, ethnic rhinoplasty, and nasal reconstruction. The procedures are performed in our own private Surgery Center for convenient scheduling and recovery.

The Benefits of a Rhinoplasty with Dr. Thomassen

Dr. Thomassen will perform a thorough evaluation of your concerns and anatomy.  Using digital imaging he will plan out the right procedure for you.  He offers the most current procedures tailored to your goals. We perform this surgery in the privacy of our Office Surgical Center.  We also value a quick recovery and long-lasting results. Dr. Thomassen will find the combination of treatments that will reach these goals.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Good candidates for a rhinoplasty are healthy adult men and women of any age that are concerned about the appearance of their nose.  This is coupled with functional concerns like chronic breathing obstruction so both issues can be treated at one time.

For adolescents, facial growth should be completed before any surgery is performed. This happens in the mid-to-late teens, at age 16 for girls and age 17 for boys.

Preparing for your Surgery

The key to a successful rhinoplasty surgery lies in a thorough preoperative evaluation.  For your medical history, Dr. Thomassen will inquire about your medical conditions and medications taken.   At this point we make a plan to optimize any conditions that pose a risk for anesthesia or surgery.


We ask you to stop any medications can result in excess bleeding 2 weeks before surgery.  These include anticoagulants like aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen.  Tylenol is safe to take prior to surgery.

You need to provide us with a list of homeopathic medications  taken regularly.  These  could have an adverse effect on wound healing and bleeding.


A history of smoking or vaping is very important to report.  Continued use could result in adverse effects on your wound healing.   In general it is safest to stop smoking or vaping for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery.

Physical Exam

Dr. Thomassen will examine you to determine how best to undergo the surgery.  Key examination information is the presence of nasal asymmetry, dorsal hump, bulbous tip, excess tip projection, tip droopiness.  Dr. Thomassen will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your breathing.  This determines if there is a septal deviation and internal or external nasal valve incompetence.  These are the most common conditions that cause chronic breathing obstruction.

Preoperative Clearance

Dr. Thomassen will recommend the appropriate preoperative workup required according to your medical history.  This workup usually involves an evaluation by a primary care doctor.  The goal is to ensure you are in an optimal state for surgery.  This includes laboratory evaluation.  If there are any abnormal findings from your workup, Dr. Thomassen will call you and discuss how to proceed.

Days before Surgery

  • Avoid strenuous exercise in the days leading up to your surgery.  You should be well rested leading up to your surgery date.  Also avoid excessive sun exposure.
  • Refrain from alcohol the week before surgery.
  • Stop using skin irritants on your face 1 week before surgery, including light peels, acne medication, and retinoic acid.
  • Pick up your prescriptions with plenty of time before your procedure.
  • Set up a comfortable recovery area at home.  Plan your meals including a light clear liquid meal for the first night.
  • Plan for someone to be with you for 24 hours after surgery.
  • You will receive a call from our Operating Room Nurse a few days before your procedure.  They will go over the consent and any preoperative details and instructions to make sure you are ready for surgery.
  • You will recieve a call from our Anesthesia Provider the day before.  They go over your medications and discuss details about your anesthesia.
  • Use antibacterial soap when showering the day before surgery.
  • Remove any piercings or jewelry you may have before coming in for the procedure.

What to expect the day of surgery

On the day of surgery, patients should wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will meet the surgical team, including a nurse and anesthesia provider, before undergoing general anesthesia. The procedure takes 2–3 hours, and patients will wake up with nasal splints. Once they meet discharge criteria, they can go home, with Dr. Thomassen checking in later that evening. Prescribed medications help manage pain and discomfort.

What Anesthesia is Used for a Rhinoplasty Procedure?

Rhinoplasty procedures are performed with general anesthesia.  This is done in order to protect your airway.  When you wake up, you should feel comfortable.  You may feel slight pressure in your nasal cavity from nasal splints.

How long does a Rhinoplasty take?

The procedure itself takes about  2 to 3 hours to perform.  When you wake up, you will have an external nasal splint and maybe an internal splint if a septoplasty is performed. You will be able to go home after you meet criteria for discharge. Dr. Thomassen will call you the evening of the surgery to ensure you are doing well.  The pain medications prescribed will make you comfortable.

What is the Recovery like for a Rhinoplasty?

You will require 1 week of rest to recover from the procedure. During this week, you will be comfortable at home, taking the prescribed medications as needed.  You should rest with your head elevated during this week.  Dr. Thomassen will follow up with you periodically to make sure you are comfortable and recovering as expected.  You may experience bruising and swelling around the nose that will resolve in 1 week.  If you have any questions during your recovery, Dr. Thomassen will be just 1 phone call away.

Dr. Thomassen removes the splints and sutures on the first visit after surgery, approximately 1 week from the surgery.  You will see an immediate improvement in the shape and size of your nose.  Swelling will still be present at one week postop.  The most dramatic improvements do occur around the 2-3rd week after surgery when most of the swelling has resolved.  After this week of recovery, you may return to sedentary activities like desk-work and light exercise. Full exercise is usually not started until 3 weeks after surgery.

You should not plan to undertake any strenuous exercise for at least 4 weeks after surgery.  Light walking is fine the first week and you can gradually increase excercise as you feel better.

Common questions regarding Rhinoplasty

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you’re considering plastic surgery, choosing the right plastic surgeon could not be more important. Dr. John Michael Thomassen has the training and experience needed to provide you with excellent care. We invite you to have a consultation about the procedure you need.