Facial Implant Surgery

Enhancing your appearance with facial implants

The appearance of your face is determined by three basic components: skin, soft tissues and underlying facial bones. The structure of your face is disproportionate in various ways. The chin might be recessed. The jaw could be undefined. The malar eminences might be flattened. These issues can significantly affect your self image.

Beautiful woman
Balance of skeletal structure and soft tissue results in a beautiful face

Defined facial features, visible contours, and natural angles that are proportionate create structural balance in your face. They also result in a more attractive appearance.

Facial implants bring balance and better proportion to the structural appearance of your face. They define your face by increasing projection and creating more distinct features.

You may benefit from plastic surgery if you are bothered by a small chin. A weak jaw or a lack of facial contour can also be addressed through surgery. Facial implants can help enhance your features.

Is it right for me?

Plastic surgery with facial implants is best performed on people whose head and skull have reached physical maturity. This generally occurs in late adolescence. This procedure is a good option for you if:

Types of Implants

Chin Implants

Chin Implants are used for weak chins where oral occlussion is satisfactory. A guideline for choosing an implant is a vertical line drawn from the most projecting part of the lip. The chin projection should match this line. For a chin implant, the incision may be inside your mouth, or just beneath the chin

Chin Implant
Placement of a Chin Implant is via a Submental Incision or Intraoral Incision
Facial implant surgery using a chin implant.  Performed in Fort Lauderdale by Dr. Thomassen
Facelift, Blepharoplasty and Chin Implant

Angle of the Jaw Implant

A wider mandibular width at the angle of the mandible makes the lower jaw appear strong. This feature helps masculinize a face.

These implants are generally placed through the mouth. Incisions are made inside the mouth. They are located further back along the jawline, at the crease where the inside of your cheek and gums meet.

Angle of the Jaw Implant
Angle of the Jaw implants help strengthen a jaw’s apperance

Cheek Implant

In patients with a lack of projection of their malar eminence, it is also termed a negative vector. Adding an implant to the anterior malar region helps give a young appearance to the face.

Anterior malar implant
Anterior malar implants correct a lack of lower eyelid anterior cheek fullness

Cheek implants are most often placed through incisions in the mouth. When performed with other procedures, alternate incisions may be recommended. These include placement through an incision inside the lower eyelid or one within the hairline.


Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedures. The choices include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.

See the results

The initial outcome of plastic surgery with facial implants is noticeable almost immediately. However, it will be obscured by visible swelling. It may take several months for swelling to fully dissipate.

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