Facial Fat Grafting

Human fat, harvested from your own body, can be reinjected to enhance facial fullness, fill deep creases and to build up shallow contours. Fat injection requires a more extensive procedure than other injectable fillers because it uses liposuction techniques to extract the fat prior to injection.Treatment results last up to a year or more in some cases and are highly variable. (Fat can be stored for your own future treatment. The duration of results from preserved fat is not as favorable as fat used at the same time it is harvested.) In some cases, repeating the procedure in 12-16 months provides more favorable longterm results.

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  • Fat Grafting (Fat Transfer) to the Face

    Fat Grafting (Fat Transfer) to the Face
  • Fat Grafting or Fillers: Which Procedure is Better for Facial Rejuvenation?

    Fat Grafting or Fillers: Which Procedure is Better for Facial Rejuvenation?