Fat Grafting to the Face

Fat Grafting to the Face

Fat grafting to the face uses fat cells harvested from your own body. These are reinjected to enhance facial fullness. It can fill deep creases and build up shallow contours.

Fat grafting to the face uses liposuction techniques to extract the fat before injection. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia but more commonly used IV sedation for optimal patient comfort. The patient’s body is examined to determine where an adequate fat deposit exists. The more common areas for harvest are the anterior abdomen and medial thighs. Using cannulas and syringe suction, the fat is liposuctioned and immediately processed with centrifugation to remove red blood cells. A portion of the centrifuged contains platelet and fat derived stem cells. These cells can help with the healing and take of the fat. The fat portion is separated and then injected with small syringes to areas of the face that need volume. The most common areas are the tear troughs, temples, malar eminences, submalar depressions.

Treatment results last up to a year or more in some cases and are highly variable. In some cases, repeating the procedure in 12-16 months provides more favorable long term results.

Learn more about facial fat grafting in the American Society of Plastic Surgery website.

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Results of Fat Grafting to the Face in Fort Lauderdale
Results of Facial Fat Grafting

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