Neck Lift in Fort Lauderdale

Neck Lift Fort Lauderdale FL

Many patients are bothered by skin excess in the neck area. Some patients are bothered by bands running lengthwise in the neck. These are caused by the platysmal muscle borders exposed with aging. Noninvasive treatments have shown minimal results in these areas. An excellent option is a neck lift.

Description of Neck Lift Procedure

This procedure uses small incisions located under the chin and behind the ear. Through this incision, Dr. Thomassen undermines the skin and removes excess soft tissue causing a bulky neck. He then tightens the platysma muscle in the midline and laterally to give the neck a youthful contour. Dr. Thomassen may also transect the platysma muscle so bands do not reform. He removes the excess skin via the lateral incisions. Liposuction can also be added to the submental region to improve the overall contour. The incisions are closed and a compression garment is placed. The procedure can be done under local anesthesia in the office and takes less than 1 hour. Recovery takes 7 days at which point all sutures are removed.

Results of Neck Lift

neck lift by Dr. Thomassen
Neck Lift

In the right patient, this procedure can be very rewarding. Very full necks may require a more aggressive treatment. Some patients would benefit from a midface and lower face lift. These patients may be better served with a mini facelift. In general, patients in their 40s and early 50s are great candidates for this procedure. Male patients who desire a natural neck correction without the scars typically associated with a facelift are also excellent candidates.

Advantages of a Neck Lift

Local Anesthesia

A neck lift can be performed under local anesthesia and oral sedation. This avoids the need for a deeper level of anesthesia that may pose increased risks on some patients. It also allows patients a quicker recovery from anesthesia.

Office based procedure

The procedure is performed in our office without the need to register and travel to a separate facility. This reduces stress on the patient on the day of the procedure.

Minimal scars

Scars are well hidden in the back of the ear and hairline. There may or may not be an small scar under the chin that also is well hidden and heals well.

Quick recovery

Healing after a neck lift involves using a compression dressing. This dressing is easily removed and replaced when showering or going out. This is only needed for 1 week. After 1 week, a patient may return to normal sedentary activities.

Reduced cost of a neck lift

Compared to more involved procedures, a neck lift will be more affordable for patients. The cost savings come from reduced anesthesia fees and a more limited procedure that requires less time to complete. For an average cost of the neck lift procedure, you can visit the American Society of Plastic Surgery website.

Definitive results

A neck lift as described offers a definitive treatment of neck fullness, bands, and wrinkles. It does not require multiple treatments as seen with other minimally invasive treatments. In summary, it provides natural results with less downtime than other neck lift treatments.

How to Learn more about a Neck lift in Fort Lauderdale

Call us for an appointment at 954-771-0200 to determine if a Neck lift is right for you. You can learn more about neck lifts in the American Society of Plastic Surgery website.

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