An “awake facelift” is a facelift procedure performed while the patient is awake or lightly sedated. Patients are conscious during the surgery. Local anesthesia keeps the patient comfortable as it is used to numb the treatment area. This approach is also known as a “local anesthesia facelift.” It contrasts with traditional facelifts. These are often performed under IV sedation or …
Minimal Incision Neck Lift (MINL)
Many patients are bothered by slight skin excess in the neck area. Noninvasive treatments have shown minimal results in these areas. An excellent option is a minimal incision neck lift. This procedure uses small incisions located behind the ear to undermine the skin, tighten the platysma muscle, and remove excess skin. Liposuction can be added to the submental region to …
What are the Different Types of Facelifts?
What are the Different Types of Facelifts? There are so many different names used to describe facelifts that it can get confusing. In reality, all these different names refer to very similar techniques Mini Facelift vs. Full Facelift (Face and Neck Lift) A mini facelift is a facial rejuvenation with reduced incisions and dissection. The goal is achieve a …
9 Ways Your Face Changes as You Age
Facial rejuvenation defies the effects of aging It seems to happen all at once: one morning you wake up and see your mother – or even your grandmother – staring back at you in the mirror. Aging is inevitable, and the first signs you notice on your face happen right on the surface: twin lines between your eyebrows, dark under …
How the SMAS Flap Influences Natural-Looking Facelifts
Looking at some of the elements of a successful facelift A facelift, also known as a Rhytidectomy, is usually intended to reduce the appearance of age-related wrinkles and sagging facial skin. The traditional method involves a plastic surgeon gently lifting part of a patient’s facial skin and tightening underlying tissues before repositioning the skin to look more aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes, …
The Age of Modern Facelifts: What We’ve Learned In Over 100 Years
Why modern rhytidectomy techniques deliver better results The history of modern facelifts begins in Berlin, Germany in 1901. Eugen Holländer was approached by an aging woman with a curious request. The Polish aristocrat wanted to have her cheeks and the corners of her mouth “lifted” as a method of restoring her youthful features. After considerable debate, Holländer agreed and the …
What are the Different Types of Facelifts?
This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions regarding facelifts. There are so many different names used to describe facelifts that it can get confusing very quickly. In reality, all these different names refer to more often than not a very similar technique and sometimes a particular name is used not to differentiate a technique but rather to …