Breast Implant Removal and Lift

breast lift

More women are choosing the remove their breast implants after years of having them in place. There are multiple reasons for this. Most commonly, it’s the wish to avoid the excess weight of implants. These implants served them well when younger but now are more of a nuisance than an asset. Additionally, after having implants for a while, they invariably …

Ensuring Success in Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery has generally a very high satisfaction rate.   However, like any surgery, there are risks involved that can adversely affect a successful outcome.  In order to minimize risks and maximize a successful outcome, certain steps can be taken. Doing this can avoid wound healing problems and ensure a fast recovery with excellent results Have a Safe BMI prior …

The Essential Types of Cosmetic Breast Surgery

The Essential Types of Breast Surgery on

What you need to know about five basic procedures The decision to have breast implant surgery is a big one, carrying with it the potential for an improved quality of life and enhanced confidence in your physical appearance. As with any surgical procedure, there are also risks to consider before taking the leap. Below is a summary of the perks …

How Your Breast Changes with Age

Wear, Genes and Time: What Happens to Your Breasts as You Age on

Cosmetic surgery can restore youthful shape to aging breasts It’s another cruel trick of Mother Nature: breast tissue ages two or three years faster than other parts of the body. From the time they turn 40, most women can expect to see breast change with age in both size and shape. It’s normal for breasts to feel less firm and …