Why Choose Thomassen Plastic Surgery

Thomassen Plastic Surgery

When choosing a plastic surgeon for your care, you are looking for the best plastic surgeon that can provide you with the goals you desire. You need a surgeon that listens to you and your goals anbd concerns and has the competence to lead you through a successful pathway to these goals. Dr. Thomassen is not only highly qualified, but …

Liquid Facial Rejuvenation

Liquid facial rejuvenation

Having an upcoming reunion, get-together or trip? Are you looking for a quick and easy way to revitalize your appearance? Look no further than our injectable rejuvenation! Dr. Thomassen, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, will personally treat your brows, cheeks, and lips with a combination of Botulinum toxin, Voluma, and Juvederm, resulting in a comprehensive rejuvenation that will take years off …

Fort Lauderdale Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia correction

Male breast reduction for gynecomastia is a surgical procedure designed to reduce and reshape enlarged or swollen breasts in males. Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the development of excess breast tissue in men, often resulting in a more feminine chest appearance. This condition can be caused by hormonal imbalances, medications, genetics, obesity, or other factors. Male breast reduction surgery …

Fort Lauderdale Awake Facelift

Beautiful woman Facelift

An “awake facelift” is a type of facelift procedure that is performed while the patient is awake, meaning that they are conscious and alert during the surgery, although local anesthesia is used to numb the treatment area. This approach is also known as a “local anesthesia facelift.” It contrasts with traditional facelifts, which are often performed under IV sedation general …

Chrysalis Surgery Center

Chrysalis Surgery Center is our state of the art ambulatory surgery space located in our office at 2800 East Commercial Blvd, Suite 103, Fort Lauderdale, FL. It is accredited by the Florida Board of Medicine. Here are some benefits of doing surgery at our outpatient surgery center: Overall, surgery at Chrysalis Surgery Center is a safe and cost-effective alternative to …

Patient Safety Advisory – Breast Implant Removal and Capsulectomy

Silicone Implant

This information was obtained from a Joint Safety Statement of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), The Aesthetic Society, and The Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF). Why are women requesting removal of their breast implants? There has been a worldwide increase in the number of patients requesting implant removal for a variety of systemic symptoms that …

Awake Facelift Surgery


One of the main concerns of patients considering facial rejuvenation procedures is the need for general anesthesia. Although general anesthesia today is extremely safe, it can lead to increase in some complications including postoperative nausea and vomiting, deep venous thrombosis, myocardial depression, and prolonged recovery from the anesthesia medications. However, facial rejuvenations can be performed today without general anesthesia or …

Ensuring Success in Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery has generally a very high satisfaction rate.   However, like any surgery, there are risks involved that can adversely affect a successful outcome.  In order to minimize risks and maximize recovery, certain steps can be taken to avoid wound healing problems and ensure a fast recovery with excellent results Have a Safe BMI prior to surgery For most …

What every woman should know about Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone Implant

The FDA has recently required all surgeons performing breast augmentations or reconstructions with silicone gel implants to have patients read and complete a questionnaire to ensure the proper education of these patients regarding the risks associated with silicone gel breast implants. Although most surgeons do their best to educate their patients regarding these risks, in a sometimes busy practice, it …

Tuberous Breast Deformity

Tuberous breast deformity, also termed constricted breast deformity, is a condition where the breast tissue failed to develop fully, resulting in a tight lower pole of the breast and wide areolas with the apperance of herniated tissue through the areola. The condition is sometimes accompanied by lack of pectoralis major muscle development, in which case the condition is termed Poland’s …