You want the best plastic surgeon who can achieve your goals. You need a surgeon who listens to you and understands your goals and concerns. The surgeon should also have the competence to guide you successfully towards these goals. Read the following to see why Dr. Thomassen is considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Fort Lauderdale. Board Certified …
Chrysalis Center for Cosmetic Surgery Fort Lauderdale
Chrysalis Surgery Center is our state of the art center for cosmetic surgery in Fort Lauderdale. The Florida Board of Medicine accredits our center. We are dedicated to delivering the best cosmetic surgery in Fort Lauderdale. Here are some benefits of doing surgery at our outpatient surgery center. Convenience: Surgery at the Chrysalis Surgery Center is more convenient for patients …
Why is Everyone Removing Their Breast Implants?
Changing Lifestyle The most common reason women decide to remove their implants is a change in their lifestyle priorities. While implants may be a priority at an earlier stage in life, they can become uncomfortable later on. Many women decide that being voluptuous is not as important as being comfortable. Unhappy about breast shape and feel Another common reason is …
Ensuring Success in Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction surgery has generally a very high satisfaction rate. ย ย However, like any surgery, there are risks involved that can adversely affect a successful outcome.ย In order to minimize risks and maximize a successful outcome, certain steps can be taken. Doing this can avoid wound healing problems and ensure a fast recovery with excellent results Have a Safe BMI prior …
Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe Now?
Silicone breast implants are safe. However, they may not be the best option for some women. The FDA has made implant manufacturers implement a new consent form. This form helps women determine if silicone breast implants are best for them. All surgeons performing breast augmentations or reconstructions with silicone gel implants must have patients read and complete this consent form. …
Tuberous Breast
Tuberous breast deformity, also termed constricted breast deformity, is a condition where the breast tissue fails to develop fully. This results in a tight lower pole of the breast. The areolas are wide with the appearance of herniated tissue through the areola. Sometimes, the condition is accompanied by lack of pectoralis major muscle development. In this case, the condition is …
Tear Trough Rejuvenation
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers provide a minimally invasive way to enhance several areas of the face. These include the lips and cheeks. It is now more commonly used around the eyes. Specifically, it is applied in the tear trough area where many patients exhibit depressions or circles. Filling in this area is different from other more forgiving areas due to …
How to Choose Breast Implant Size and Type
Patients have several options for choosing breast implants. This includes options regarding size and type of implants. Below are some guidelines to help patients better navigate this decision. Visit Dr. Thomassen at Thomassen Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale to find out more information. Choosing a Size Breast implants are sized in cc or cubic centimeters. This is the same as …
Neck Lift in Fort Lauderdale
Many patients are bothered by skin excess in the neck area. Some patients are bothered by bands running lengthwise in the neck. These are caused by the platysmal muscle borders exposed with aging. Noninvasive treatments have shown minimal results in these areas. An excellent option is a neck lift. Description of Neck Lift Procedure This procedure uses small incisions located …
Breast Implant Illness – What you need to know
Silicone breast implants have been used for over 60 years and have been highly satisfactory for the majority of women. However, a small subset of patients have reported a collection of symptoms thought to be related to their implants. This collection of symptoms have been termed breast implant illness. The symptoms reported have ranged from brain fog and memory loss …